Tuesday, July 7, 2015

eBay Consignment Done Right - Seller Offers 140,000 Consigned Items for Sale

If you are thinking about adding consignment to your eBay business model, you must take a look at Linda's Stuff - the largest consignment seller on eBay. Linda's Stuff was founded by Linda Lightman who started her consignment business in 2000 after seeing the power of eBay when selling her son's video games. Then she moved on to selling her own clothes. After a while, friends noticed Linda's success and began asking her to sell their items on eBay. Many of you reading this are in the exact same situation - you know how to navigate and sell on eBay, your friends know you have this skill, and you and want to grow without investing money in additional income.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Linda about her business to show the amazing power of eBay as well as the opportunities available to anyone who wants to tap into the eBay marketplace. I addressed some common questions asked by both new and seasoned eBay sellers on my Facebook group and privately through consulting and email.

Enjoy the following interview and take note of how a real pro does it!

Q: There are currently 140,000 items listed in Linda's Stuff eBay Store. Is this about the usual amount that is listed all the time?
Linda's Stuff:  Yes, this is the usual amount we list on Linda’s Stuff.

Q: There is a mix of auctions and fixed price items. What is the strategy for determining what format an item will be listed?
Linda's Stuff: All items on Linda’s Stuff starts on an auction/ bidding.  When items do not sell, it is then moved to a ‘Buy it Now.’

Q: Linda's Stuff offers a 14 day return policy. How many returns do you usually receive a month?
Linda’s Stuff: Our return rate is about 10% in a month.

Q: Based on feedback numbers, it appears that Linda's Stuff sells about 18,000 items a month. Is this an accurate estimate?
Linda’s Stuff: We sell about 25K-30K a month, (although we wish everyone would leave feedback- buyers sometimes do not).

Q: On the listings I researched, Linda's Stuff does not use eBay's Global Shipping program. Why not?
Linda's Stuff: We thoughtfully made the decision  to not use eBay’s Global Shipping program, as we are happy with our current shipping model.

Q: Your company employs over 100 people. What different kinds of tasks do your employees do?
Linda's Stuff: With over 110 employees, the roles in our business vary from Marketing to Listers to Photographers, Customer Service and so on.  Each person contributes to the organization and management of Linda’s Stuff.

Q: Do you hire employees with eBay selling experience?
Linda's Stuff: eBay experience is not a requirement, as we provide training to all our employees.

Q: Linda's Stuff has been in business for 15 years. What is one piece of advice you can give the smaller "at home" seller to improve their eBay business?
 Linda's Stuff: It’s important to do your research when listing items and market them in a way that entices your audience.  Customer service is also important, as if a person has a good experience with you, you build brand loyalty, trust and retention.

Make sure you check out Linda's Stuff on eBay and study how she does it.

Start getting your piece of the eBay consignment pie - sign up to be listed in my eBay Seller's Consignment Directory now. Don't let potential clients get away because they don't know about you!

Related Articles:

Find an eBay Seller to Sell  Your Stuff

Pros and Cons of Selling Consignment on eBay

Make Money Selling Women's Clothing on eBay

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