Friday, January 10, 2014

Podcasts for eBay Sellers


There is always something new to learn about selling on eBay, and podcasts are a great way to learn by listening. Most podcasts can be downloaded on iTunes now so you can listen while you workout, drive, or do any other activity away from the computer. Several podcasts have come and gone over the years, and some require sign in or membership. Here are some free regularly updated and informative podcasts:

eBay Radio - Great info from eBay employees, sellers, and reps from third party services like Auctiva and Kabbage.Sellers can call in with questions. And if you would like to be interviewed or are doing something new or different, Lee and Griff are glad to have you on. Just email them with your news or information.

eBay Scavengers - New in 2013. Trash to cash podcast by two couples who sell on eBay for a living. Laid back and no-hype approach. Very entertaining and informative. The eBay Scavengers have creative ways of sourcing and have developed a unique approach to a full-time eBay business.

And yours truly, Online Selling with Suzanne Wells. Most popular episodes are "You sold WHAT on eBay?" which focus on  random but surprising items that the average person may not know can sell for good money on eBay.

Did I miss any? If you have a favorite eBay related podcast, please leave a comment and I can add it to the list.

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