Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Grow Your eBay Consignment Business - Sign Up for Consignment Sellers' Directory

Consignment is an effective way to grow your eBay business and increase your profit without having to spend money buying more inventory or paying helpers. The benefits of consignment include:

1. Get exposure to products you may not otherwise find on your own. Consider this free education! You will learn valuable information you can apply to your own business in the future by dealing with other people's merchandise.

2. Reduce risk of low DSRs and defects because of increased number of transactions. Once a seller has fallen below Top Rated Seller or standard performance level, the only way to recover is by having a larger percentage of satisfactory transactions. Consignment merchandise helps sellers "water down" defects and low DSRs.

3. Build feedback faster. The more feedback you have, the more established you will appear, and the more consignment clients you will attract.

4. Make money without spending money. You don't have to buy the inventory or hire help. Your investment is time.

5. Create a steady stream of inventory coming to you. Once you build a consignment clientele, customers will return to use your services. Your clients will like the way you help them make money!

6. Create a supply of inventory where there is little or none. If you live in an area that does not have great merchandise in thrift stores, where thrift store prices are too high, or where winter weather prevents yard sales, consignment is a convenient way to source inventory and continue making money.

7. Sell inventory in better condition than traditional sources. Sometimes the inventory in the major thrift store chains has been man-handled so much that it is beat up and not in great condition. Consignment items may come to you directly from  someone's home where it is in pristine condition.

eBay used to have a Trading Assistant program that connected eBay consignment sellers with potential clients. That program was discontinued in 2013. There are millions of people out there with items to sell, who don't have the time or inclination to learn to sell on eBay, who are looking for sellers to sell their items. Also, many sellers in my Facebook Group have indicated they have huge stockpiles of inventory and would love to find a local person to sell those items for them.

I personally receive emails frequently from people looking for a way to connect with eBay sellers to sell their merchandise. Seeing a need to connect sellers with those who need their services, I am creating a directory of eBay Consignment Sellers. Here is how it will work:

1. The directory will be free for clients to access. 

2. The directory will be posted here on my blog so that those seeking a consignment seller can find it quickly and easily when using internet search engines.

3. The directory will be organized by city and state. And it is ok if there are multiple sellers in the same city. Each seller will more than likely have their own pricing structure, want to work with different types of products, and be in different locations. Don't worry about fellow sellers in the same area - there are plenty of clients to go around.

4. Seller's name, email address, and link to eBay store (so prospective clients can check you out) will be listed in the directory. Phone number will be optional. Once the client contacts a seller, all of the particulars about pricing, fees, etc. can be worked out between seller and client. (So yes, your name will be on the list and will be found by Google - but so will your eBay store name - and that is good for business!)

5. I will aggressively market this list on my social media channels, my blog, article sites, and in my newsletter. My reach on the internet:

     YouTube - 12,000 subscribers, 22,000 monthly views

     Twitter - 11,000 followers

     Facebook Group - 20,000 members (Sellers who may need your help!)

     National eBay Examiner - 30,000 monthly views

     eBay Coach Blog - 30,000 monthly views

     Newsletter - 7,000+ subscribers

6. eBay sellers included in the directory will receive a copy of my Standard Consignment Agreement and a consignment tutorial with information about how to get started with consignment, how to promote your consignment business, and  a recommended commission schedule. I'm helping you get organized and giving you a road map before you even start taking on clients.

7. Cost for sellers to be listed in the directory is $50 per year. For less than the price of one Starbuck's coffee a month, you can get exposure to thousands of potential clients 24 hours a day. Clients can contact you directly about selling their items on eBay for a commission. You can be added to the directory at any time and there is no long term commitment and no pressure to renew.

8. New to consignment? No problem. Sellers who sign up for the directory will also receive free email support to answer your consignment questions for as long as you are listed in the directory. I am here for you whenever you have a question, need help, or want advice.

So let's work together to grow your eBay consignment business. Just click the button below to sign up to be listed in the directory and let's connect with all those clients with great stuff to sell on eBay. Don't leave any more money on the table - sign up today!

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