Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Need Some Help Increasing Sales in Your eBay Store?

eBay can be a slippery slope to navigate. Auctions or fixed price? Free shipping or not? How to write listings and titles the best way for search engines? How should you optimize your listing for mobile buyers? (25% - 40% of all purchaeses on eBay are made on mobile devices.) Are you writing policies in a customer-friendly way? Is your return policy what it should be to attract customers?

I've been selling on eBay since 2003 and have seen a lot of changes. In fact, I've got some credibility as an experienced eBay seller and consultant:

Suzanne Wells Featured in Woman's Day Magazine

Suzanne Wells Quoted in Money Magazine

Suzanne Wells Featured on eBay for Business Blog

I can speak with authority here! One thing you can count on in life and on eBay is that things will change. Keeping up with eBay policies, procedures, and best practices is not easy. Let me help you maximize your efforts on eBay and make more money doing what you are already doing. I'll help you do it better you can make more money by making a few adjustments. The devil is in the details.

I offer a service called a eBay Store Critique, where I take an in-depth look at your store and make suggestions for improvements. Many times, sellers don't realize how they can optimize listings for search and for customer service. Getting more sales on eBay is about writing listings and titles so buyers can find you through search, combined with stellar customer service - being better than your competitors.

Here are a few testimonials from other sellers who saw good results from a store critique:

 With an eBay Store Critique, you will receive an in-depth review of your store in writing within 3 business days. Reports are usually 10 pages long and point to specific listings that you can improve as well as policies, search engine optimization, photo tips, and anything else I see that could be changed to result in more sales. You also receive 30 days of email support so as you make changes and questions arise, I am your personal help desk 24 hours a day. I am here for you!

All successful athletes have a coach - they didn't achieve success by themselves. If you are serious about growing your eBay business, maybe it is time for a coach to help you achieve the success you deserve. (And yes, I have a business coach!)

Sign up for your critique today, and start seeing more sales.

(You do not need to have a store to have the review done. I can also evaluate listings without a store.)

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