Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Great FREE Service for eBay Sellers - Garage Sale Finder

Yay, it's garage sale time again! Only eBay nerds will understand the excitement of this time of year. Those critical few hours on Friday and Saturday are golden - make sure you are making the most of your time and hitting the biggest sales that have the stuff you want. 

Garage sale apps have come and go over the last few years, so we have to adapt and keep up with the changes. I am using Garage Sale Finder. I do my recon work at home before I go and download the stops to my GPD. It is a free site, and does the following:

1. Identifies sales within a specified radius of your home address. You decide what the radius is.

2. Color codes different types of sales. 

3. Click on the sales that interest you to read description, dates and times, and directions.

4. View photos if the seller has uploaded them. (Not all sales have photos.)

5. Pick your favorites and plan your route. You can download your stops to your GPS device, or print a list to take with you.

6. The site serves these major cities:

7. Be a super planner and get notifications in your inbox. Just set the criteria for your favorite kinds of sales and you will be notified when one hits the site.

Again, this is a free site.  Visit Garage Sale Finder here and give it a try!

Make sure to check out my 30 day YouTube Challenge. There are new playlists and a daily lesson on what to sell, keywords, and FAQs. You can set the play list to play uninterrupted and listen to a whole string of videos while you work.

Related Articles:

5 Great Things I Learned to Sell on eBay in 2015

Sell Winter Clothes on eBay in the Summer

6 Tips for Shopping Goodwill Outlets

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

eBay Sellers - Follow Kevin O'Leary's 10 Rules for Success

Hey eBay sellers!

I have been spending a lot of time with my 30-day YouTube challenge. I hope you are enjoying the content and find it useful.

I wanted to share this video of Kevin O'Leary's Top 10 Rules for Success. If you don't know Kevin, he is a billionaire investor and the "bad cop" personality on Shark Tank. He has many good points that apply to entrepreneurs and eBay sellers.

To summarize:

1. You have to sacrifice a lot. 

eBay application: It takes time and patience to build this business. 

2. Trust your gut.

eBay application: When you have that intuitive nudge that an item will sell,  is interesting or collectible, stop and research it. That's the universe talking to you.

3. Diversify.

eBay application: Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Opportunities are everywhere. Get out of your own way and LEARN new things.

4. Have a back up plan.

eBay application: Learn to sell on other sites, Facebook buy and sell groups, etc. Spread the risk around.

5. Be a leader.

eBay application: Tell every one you know what you do. Shout it from the rooftops. You never know what kind of opportunity will fall in your lap because you know this skill. Example - my hair dresser just connected me with a client who has $15,000 worth of jewelry to sell on consignment. 

6. Admit your weaknesses.

eBay application: I am not good at graphic design, accounting, doing taxes, or programming. I pay people to do those things so I can make money writing, selling on eBay, consulting, and other tasks I enjoy and excel at. 

7. Buy stocks with dividends. 

No comment here - I'm not qualified to give investment advice.

8. Differentiate between family, friends, and money.

eBay application: Be careful who you do business with. Period. Don't sell on consignment for family. It never ends well.

9. Get outside of North America - go global.

eBay application: Ship internationally. Discover how easy global shipping is here!

10. Go with simple ideas. 

eBay application: Don't overcomplicate things. Take good photos, use good keywords, describe your item properly, be customer friendly, treat customers the way you want to be treated. Shop, list, ship, repeat. It's easy.

If you aren't watching Shark Tank, make it your new habit. Watch on ABC, CNBC or on YouTube. The Sharks are billionaire entrepreneurs who have great wisdom to share - listen to what they tell start-ups. 

And check out my YouTube challenge here!

Have a great week!

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eBay Success Depends on Good Record Keeping

Consignment Done Right - 140,000 Items

eBay is Marathon not a Sprint

Monday, April 4, 2016

Cool New eBay Tool - MyRealKarma

Hi fellow eBay sellers! I wanted to let you know about a cool new FREE tool you can add to your eBay listings that can help traffic and search placement. I normally don't use any third party tools (since I have been doing eBay since the Dark Ages and never really needed them), but I'm giving MyRealKarma a try. This plug-in was designed to help eBay listings rank higher in Google search, and we all can use that, right?

I had a chat with Alex Nitikin, the creator of MyRealKarma to find out more about his free product to see how we as eBay sellers can benefit from it. Here is the interview:

1.  Where did you get the idea for MyRealKarma?

I have several friends who sell on eBay and want to move to a different platform but they all say that they’d have to earn the customer reviews from scratch and lose sales in the process. After, unsuccessfully trying to find a good solution we decided to build our own.

2. How does MyRealKarma increase sales for eBay sellers?

There are two ways:

MyRealKarma drives targeted, high value, traffic to their eBay store, builds online presence and, if they have multiple stores, cross promotes them, all for free.

Online Sellers can participate in the MRK Marketplace that will help them streamline their inventory buying or selling and save a lot of time and money.

3. You mention better indexing in Google Searches. How does that work exactly?

Great question! When you sign up, MyRealKarma creates a Seller Profile. You then link your online stores, add Tags (keywords), social media profiles, your picture or logo, invite friendly sellers. Your Seller Profile is a full-blown Search Engine Indexable web page that shows up in all Search Results.

Here is my seller profile (gimme a break here, this is new!)

4. Why should eBay sellers worry about Google - doesn't eBay take care of that for us?

Google has 100 million times more daily traffic than eBay. The problem is, virtually no eBay, Amazon or Etsy Sellers ever show up in Google search. It’s like being a fish in a small pond and not taking advantage of an ocean, full of buyers, right next door.  

4. How is using MyRealKarma better or different than referring to eBay feedback?

When a buyer sees your Seller Profile, that contains all of your information, he or she is able to develop a personal connection having seen your picture and social media and is 86% more likely to purchase. It means that even with very few customer reviews you can be extremely trustworthy. MyRealKarma is your customer feedback on steroids.

5. How much does it cost to use MyRealKarma?

It is absolutely Free! I also have a Bonus for our users. All of our users will get an exclusive early access to a Wholesale Marketplace.

6. There is an MRK Badge to add to eBay listings. Is there a way to add the badge using bulk edit? Or must it be done on each individual listing? 

Adding an MRK Badge is one of the ways to show your Seller Profile to the buyers. We don’t allow bulk actions with MRK Badge because our users prefer doing it during the listing of an Item. However If, in the future, our users say they want bulk edit we’ll bring it. We listen to our users all the time and only build what they need.

Here is the badge on my listings.

7. How many sellers are currently using MyRealKarma?

We have more than 12,000 active users from not only eBay but also all the major eCommerce Platforms. We are also in the process of integration with several hot new upcoming Marketplaces.

8. Can you explain how suppliers are involved with MyRealKarma?

This is all about the Marketplace. To really make money you must cut cost of goods purchased. To do it, you need to buy large quantity and make sure there is no dead inventory sitting around. Everyone knows, some items sell better on eBay, others on different platforms. You can leverage the MRK Marketplace to not only sell excessive or unneeded inventory but also to buy the inventory from others, including large Suppliers. Since all the participants are verified online sellers the transactions are fast, safe and easy. Right now, we are negotiating with several large suppliers to bring more product offerings and even offer net terms.

9. Where can sellers find out more or chat with a representative about this service?

Please go to myrealkarma.comand click to sign up. There you can also watch our short video.

I have signed up for MyRealKarma and am adding it to a few listings a day. I like the badge that appears on the eBay listing- it is professional looking, clean, and attractive. And you can pick your color! Some of those eBay plug-ins can be really clunky looking but this one looks great.

When you give MyRealKarma a try, please connect with me here.  

Thanks Alex for taking the time to introduce us to your new product. I'm looking forward to using it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hot Item to Sell on eBay - KAVU Rope Bags

Just a quick note to share something I came across in a Goodwill store a couple of weeks ago. Have you heard of KAVU bags? I was digging around in the tote bags and found a bag that had bungee cord type straps and really thick fabric. It felt high quality. I looked it up and wow - are these bags cool.

The company is called KAVU - which stands for "Klear Above Visibility Unlimited." This is a lifestyle brand that makes clothing, bags, accessories - everything you need to seize the day and enjoy the outdoor life. The bags really hold their value and are great sellers on eBay. 

Some stats:

These numbers are unheard of on eBay. It is rare to find a brand with more sold listings that active listings. This indicates a shortage which is the perfect situation for sellers. The less there is of something, the more people will pay.

Take a look at the video above to learn more about the company and their products. Dig deep at those thrift stores - all kinds of goodies are hiding in there!

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

eBay Seller Success Story - Seller with Debilitating Arachnoiditis Shares her Strategies

My friend Tootie, a dedicated and talented eBay seller, suffers from Arachnoiditis but debilitating pain doesn't stop her. Read how she makes eBay work even as she deals with an illness that would cause most of us to give up.

I have been selling on eBay since November of 2013. My best friend and old neighbor convinced me to give it a try.  I started selling all of our "stuff" that we had accumulated around the house. To my surprise, I made TRS in January of 2014.

I became very ill in the Spring of 2011. I have had 24 surgeries in my life and 15 of them in the last 8 years since my son was born. I became medically anorexic, started losing bone mass, had some major intestinal issues requiring huge surgeries. I spontaneously broke three ribs all while working as a dental hygienist. I would go long periods unable to walk. I was in horrendous pain 24/7. Not just a little pain but burning hot pain that feels like red hot barbed wire wrapped around the feet, legs, back and upper ribs. It became too much, I had to give up my career of 18 years as Registered Dental Hygienist.  

No one knew what was wrong with me including me. Finally, in the Spring of 2013 I was diagnosed by my beloved neurosurgeon as having Arachnoiditis. I had never even heard this word before but I will never forget what he said, "This is the end for you, there is nothing we can do for you." With that being said, it began a bit of a relief and a nightmare all at the same time.  

Arachnoiditis is an incurable disease of the spinal cord or arachnoid meninge, sort of like a permanent meningitis. It is usually caused by trauma to the spinal cord either by surgical trauma or epidural steroid injections. (Which I might add are incredibly dangerous-I highly advise against epidural steroid injections for the treatment of pain).
I have been hospitalized more than 40 times directly related to Arachnoiditis. I am left unable to walk during flare ups of this awful disease. Therefore, the hospital keeps me days on end. As of late, I have been trying to get through these flare ups at home on my own but it is equally as difficult on me and my family no matter where  I am.  

I am constantly in pain, day in and day out. I am unable to sit long, stand long or do any strenuous activity even as simple as a nice brisk walk.  This is a new life for me. I spent my life as a pillar of health and fitness and now I am rendered completely unable to exercise or do simple activities I once enjoyed.

So as for eBay, I have to find a delicate balance. eBay is not physically easy at times.  There is a lot of bending, twisting, reaching, sitting, carrying. walking etc. Things most people don't have to think about. Because of these reasons I have to pick and choose when I work.  Basically, I work when I can. Ask any family member, if I am not bedridden, I am in the loft doing eBay. My 8 year old has threatened to ground me from eBay! 

I sell mostly clothing, and really anything I can get my hands on.  I have learned that there is a market for pretty much anything and eBay never disappoints me in what sells.I am on my own as far as the business goes.  My husband occasionally will pull an item here and there and might ship if I am hospitalized or bedridden. He will also model for me on occasion (which I really appreciate) For the most part I do everything on my own.

I "thrift" once a week on Tuesday.  Here in my valley we have a local swap meet (aka flea market possibly) many vendors come to one place and present their items that are available to purchase. This literally is my favorite day EVER!!! I am so sad if I have a flare up on a Tuesday. Not to worry, they also have them on Saturday and Sunday but I love my Tuesday swap!  Over the years, I have developed amazing relationships with these vendors.  Each one has their own niche of items to pick from making it a slam dunk each week. I have my favorite four vendors that I do business with regularly.  I get such amazing prices it is almost unbelievable.  I sometimes do trades with some vendors of my items that are not "eBay worthy" for things that I think will be a winner. I will let one of my vendors have a garage sale in my driveway twice a year and in return he gives me almost cost for his items. He is my most amazing vendor with an eye for dollar signs, he also has an eBay store.  He does most of his shopping at The Goodwill Outlet, the others buy estate sales, and storage lockers.

Currently I have 430 items listed. I worked super hard to get to 300 listing because I kept selling so much.  I finally made it to 320 in January and worked super hard to get to over 400 by March.

As of January and February I have profited more than $2500 and my sales are up approximately 38% this month.  I sold 87 items in February and have already sold 31 items as of today March 7.

As I mentioned above, I work when I can which is an added bonus of having an at home business. I think the best thing to do to get your business going is to sit down and list. I have one rule, I am not able to buy more inventory until I have everything I bought on Tuesday listed. I only have 50 square feet to work in so I think it is important to get organized and make a pile of the items you want to list and set a time frame for yourself to do them, and then do it.  Once you start doing it and accomplishing your tasks it get you more motivated especially once the sales start rolling in.  And, those of you who do not think the sales will come, trust me they will.  I have learned anything and most everything sells on eBay. 

My customers are my diamonds and I treat them as such. My store is not perfect nor are my photos but my customers are the reason my store runs, so I strive for perfection in customer service. In just a couple of years I have developed relationships with customers and have had several repeat buyers or people who periodically check with me for a special or unique item. 

ebay has saved my life in a way. It has given me my independance and self worth back after suffering the loss of my profession and health and fitness. Aside from my family, I have a new reason to live! I could have never imagined I would have a significant income from doing a job like this.  It's just a no-brainer. Like a shirt I recently saw, "Eat, Sleep, eBay, Repeat"......Seriously words to live by. I couldn't be happier with my new profession!

Visit Tammy's store here!

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Interview with Lauren Greutman of I AM THAT LADY

I was honored to be interviewed by Lauren Greutman of I AM THAT LADY about eBay selling. Lauren is a frugal living expert who has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, NightLine, and Fox News.

Lauren and her husband Mark were once over $40,000 in debt and were struggling to make ends meet. They turned their lives around, got out of debt, and eBay was part of that change. They now teach others how to enjoy life on a budget on their site I AM THAT LADY. Lauren is a 2 time author, public speaker, and national on-air news contributor.

Check out the interview here.

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Discover How to Find Items Online to Flip on eBay

Most eBay sellers love the thrill of the hunt in thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, and estate sales. But what if something is preventing you from sourcing inventory as often as you like? Maybe it is an illness, a loved one you care for, a 9-5 job, poor sourcing choices in your area, or life is just busy? 

Now you can discover how to find the low hanging fruit on eBay - millions of low cost items (even 99 cent items) that go unsold every month that YOU can sell for high profit.

1. Find items on eBay priced low that you can easily flip for much higher profit.

2. Target Mega Sellers who sell thousands of department store items for 99 cents every day. Buy their stuff cheap and resell much higher!

3. Use local Facebook groups to source inventory (neat tricks I've learned).

4. Find misspelled auctions without bids - they don't come up in searches.

You also receive a bonus section where I reveal my process for discovering discontinued consumer goods to resell. A process I've been using since 2009. 

The course comes with:

75 minutes of video explaining exactly how to find items to flip

56 page eBook

Resource list with over 100 brands of items to look for to flip and use in the misspelling tool

My guarantee for success - if you have questions or need help, just shoot me an email or Facebook message and I will personally help you by phone or email.