Saturday, January 30, 2016

eBay Coaching Program - Grow Your Business and Achieve Success

Are you ready to take your eBay business to the next level? You know you can do better but you just aren't sure how to get there. There are three ways successful business owners have built their business - dedication, support from colleagues, and business coaching.

I actually have a business coach and she helps me in a variety of ways. I can help you with these aspects of your business, too!

1.  Enhanced focus. Overwhelm is a common feeling when you are juggling so many different tasks. We will focus on the the big picture and I will point out the specific areas that need attention immediately.

2. Accountability.  This is huge for business owners. I will hold you accountable for the things you must to to move forward. Maybe it is listing that huge pile of stuff you bought six months ago. Or maybe you want to be pushed out of your comfort zone to learn new things like international shipping, how to source online, or how to hire help. I'll give you homework that must be completed by a deadline we agree on so that you can achieve your goals.

3. Goal setting.  As a business owner, you must have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish. For most eBay sellers, the goal is netting a certain amount of money each month. We will develop a plan with your goals in mind, and develop strategies overcome the obstacles that are getting in your way. There is a solution for everything, we just have to figure out what it is and what works for you and your family.

 4. Productive brainstorming. It can be difficult to see all of the different ways to tackle a problem by yourself. By putting our heads together, we can come up with creative ideas to overcome what's holding you back.

5. Experience. I have seen the good, bad, and the ugly since I started coaching in 2009. By working with so many different types of sellers and and business owners from all walks of life, I have gained wisdom that can be applied to help your business, too.

6. Improved profitability: My clients' businesses have grown. (See testimonials here.)  Clients report their sales have increased, and more importantly their profits have increased. They have learned to work smarter, leverage their knowledge, and have created sustainable businesses that they love working on every day.

I've developed a coaching program to help you achieve the success you desire based on your business model, lifestyle, schedule, and working with products you love. 

My coaching program includes:

  • Store critique in writing so you can work through necessary changes 
  • A plan to scale your business to reach a specific profit number 
  • Instruction on how to research and make better buying decisions 
  • 4 / 30 minute phone calls (1 per week) 
  • 2 / 5 minute "check in" calls per week to keep you on track 
  • Homework to hold you accountable 
  • 50% off all information products on my website   
The cost is $350 per month for this hands on, one-on-one program that has proven results. Space is limited, as I can only take on a limited number of clients to ensure that each client receives dedicated time and attention. Sign up here and let's take your eBay business to the next level!

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