Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Time for a New Challenge

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you  may know that I started eBay back in 2003 when I was downsized out of a job and was going through a divorce. I was looking for a way to pay bills and started selling household items on eBay to generate cash. Not only did eBay serve as a convenient platform to make money when I needed it most, but I have been able to help others build businesses when they fell on hard times.

Many of my 500+ clients over the years have been people who found themselves experiencing financial hardship due to job loss, having to stay home to be a caregiver for a child or parent, suffering from an illness that prevents them from working  a traditional job, or death of the breadwinner in the family. I am proud and honored to say I have been able to help many people change their lives for the better using eBay.

One reason I enjoyed ecommerce so much over the last 12 years was because it allowed me to be a stay at home parent and be available for my children. The luxury of earning a living from home has been such a blessing. My kids are grown and for the most part gone now so the mission has been accomplished. We also know that being a solo-at-home entrepreneur can be isolating. After much soul searching, I have decided I am ready for a new challenge outside of the home where I can use my skills and be part of a team.

I've done a lot with social media over the years for my own business:

Built a 20,000 member Facebook community for eBay sellers

Created a YouTube Channel with 11,000 subscribers

Built a Pinterest following of 4,000

Built a Twitter following of 11,000

And now I am ready to help other businesses build a strong social media presence. It is critical for businesses today to have a strong internet presence and connect with their audience using social media. Unfortunately, too many businesses aren't "in the know" about how to effectively use social media or they don't have the staff to nurture social media on a regular basis. I frequently see that businesses are missing opportunities to leverage the power of social media and it looks like an easy fix from my perspective.

Social Media has become the most efficient way to connect with customers, provide immediate information, and give customers a more personal experience. I feel called to this area of marketing- to share what I have learned and help other businesses build their social media brands, connect with their audience, and grow their online presence.

So, with all this being said, I am looking for a Social Media or Marketing Manager position with a company in the North Atlanta (Alpharetta, Roswell, Cumming) area - I am ready to join a team and make a difference in a new way. If anyone knows of any opportunities or businesses who can use my skills and expertise, please send me an email at suzanne@suzanneawells.com. I appreciate any contacts or suggestions you may have.

And don't worry, none of my eBay or Amazon resources are going away. Ecommerce is part of my DNA so it will always be happening on the side. It's just time to add something new to the mix!

Happy Selling,


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