Thursday, May 7, 2015

4 Reasons Good eBay Descriptions are Important

If you are like most eBay sellers, you  want your items to sell on eBay, and you don't want returns or problems after the transaction, right? You want buyers to easily find your listings, right? And most of all, you want to achieve and keep Top Rated Seller status, right?

Spending a few extra minutes on your description will help attract more customers, reduce returns, and serve a a good insurance policy against INAD (Item Not As Described) cases.

1. eBay recommends 200 words about the product in the description area. This helps buyers find your items through search.  Even though you have information in the item specifics area (where you check the boxes), you still need to write it out in the description area so the search engine can find it. Keep text about policies, returns, and your personal rules to a minimum - the search engine is looking for words about the product. Here are tips from eBay for Basic SEO on your eBay listings.

2.  Measurements are very important on anything you sell on eBay including clothing, household items, collectibles, baby items, toys - everything. It is especially difficult to buy clothing (for children or adults) online without knowing the measurements. Buyers will compare a clothing item to one they have that fits properly. If a seller does not have measurements on the item, the buyer may not ask for them and may just move on to the next seller. Buyers don’t like to wait for answers, so try to provide everything possible up front. The extra few minutes you spend measuring an item can help you get a sale.

3. If a buyer opens an INAD case, the more information you have in the description area, the better. I have had INADs removed when the buyer claimed the item wasn’t described correctly, and called eBay Customer Service to show them that the information was in the listing but the buyer didn’t read it. Having enough of the right information in your description not only informs the customer but it protects your account.Remember, too many cases or returns for INAD affects your defect rating and eventually, your account.

4. It is just good customer service. You are a buyer, too, right? Remember the only thing between you and your potential customer is a computer screen. The buyer can't touch, hold, or examine the product like they could in a brick and mortar store. Your only tools are photos and words. You have the power to describe the product in great detail so your customer understands exactly what they are getting.

For more helpful tips like this, sign up for a store critique. I'll give you an in-depth review of your store, in writing, along with 30 days of email support for any other questions you might have after the review is done.

Related Articles:

How to Find the Price of an eBay Item Sold on Best Offer

Avoiding a Defect When You Can't Ship an Item

Understand Your Defect Rate Before it is Too Late!

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