Monday, May 11, 2015

eBay Seller Success Story $6,000 in Sales in 30 Days

 Mandy posted her numbers on my Facebook Group over the weekend with this message:

"Hit one of my goals of hitting $6k in 30 days on Ebay. Took 2.5 years to get here. Now my next goal is to get to $7.5K. This is just from mostly clothing sales. I'm at stay at home mom with 2 babies under 2. I am super focused with nap times and in the evenings. So nice to being able to be home with the babies and still have a good living! Thank you to everyone in this group, as this is where I started and was inspired."

Mandy and her husband Corey have really come a long way. They were coaching clients of mine a couple of years ago and were just getting started with their ecommerce journey along with a new baby on the way. With hard work and discipline, anything is possible. It takes some planning to work at home with two babies so I really commend Mandy for making it all work.

Here are Mandy's stats for the last 30 days:

1,202 items in inventory
280 items sold
$300-$600 average spent on inventory each month
Lists 99% of her items on Buy It Now 30 days or GTC

Mandy offers free shipping on most listings because "There is a filter for the customer to see only listings with free shipping. I dont want to be filtered out." She does not offer free shipping on larger items.

You can visit Mandy and Corey's store on eBay here to see the types of items they sell.  Looking through their feedback (they are Top Rated Sellers) you can see most items are priced under $30. This just goes to show that money can be made using the resources around you with consistency and dedication. Slow and steady really does win the race.

Congratulations for your amazing success, Mandy, and keep up the great work!

Are you ready to build an eBay business like this? Mandy (and many others like her) are proof it can be done.  Let me help you make money on eBay by:

Showing you how to get started. Learn all about selling on eBay with my eBay Basics Course

Showing you how to  diversify your product line. Thrift stores are packed with clothing and shoes you can buy cheap and sell for 3-5 times the thrift store price on eBay. Grow your knowledge base with these downloadable courses:

The Profitable World of Selling Preowned Women's Clothing Level 1

The Profitable World of Selling Preowned Women's Clothing Level 2

The Art of Selling Preowned Women's Shoes

Improving what you are already doing. I'll pinpoint exactly what you need to change to improve SEO (search engine optimization), customer service, and shine brighter than the herd of other eBay sellers. Sign up for a store critique here.  

See what these other sellers are saying and let me help you boost your sales today! eBay can be a full time gig, what are you waiting for?

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eBay Success Story - Karen Wilson

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