Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Snowbird eBay Seller Takes Business on the Road


Grace Johnson posted this interesting story on my eBay Seller's Facebook group last week:

"We are driving from Minnesota to Nevada to spend the winter. Van is stuffed with my vintage photos, postcards, jewelry and Barbie doll items. We have pulled everything else from our store. This morning we stopped at the post office to mail a package in Nebraska before continuing the drive. eBay can be done any where any way. Have a blessed day gals and guys."

Grace lives in Duluth, Minnesota and last winter was brutal. She saved all year to finance her winter getaway and decided to be a snow bird. When asked more about what she sells and how this "traveling eBay business" is possible, Grace shared that she has thousands of vintage photos not listed and just bought 3,000 more at auction. She plans to expand her vintage paper business and concentrate on ephemera. But she loves vintage Barbies and will never turn down the opportunity to buy one.

Because Grace chose her product line carefully and deliberately, she is able to take it on the road and continue to make money doing what she loves in the warmer climate of Nevada. The point here is that if you plan ahead and choose a portable product line, you really can take the business on the road and do it anywhere. It just takes some planning and organization. 

Now that's using your head, Grace! Thanks for sharing.

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