Monday, October 6, 2014

How to Avoid Long Hold Times When Calling eBay

It is often necessary to call eBay for various reasons including customer problems, raising selling limits, or having negative feedback removed. eBay sellers often experience long hold times over an hour, and this can be very frustrating. Here are some strategies for working around those long hold times and getting your problem handled faster.

1. Try finding the answer yourself using Google or the eBay help index. Many questions can easily be answered using these 2 resources.

2. Use the eBay mobile app to request a call from eBay. Go to settings > customer support > selling > click on any option > call me

3. Don't call on the 21st of the month. eBay updates defect percentages on the 20th of the month, so the phones are usually flooded. The 21st, the day after this update, is usually very busy with sellers calling to get information about seller their performance if percentages have dropped. In other words, the phones may be clogged up with upset sellers who want information about their account status.

4. Avoid calling on a Monday. For most businesses, Mondays are the worst day to try and get through to customer service.

5. Try calling late at night or very early in the morning. Remember eBay is on west coast time. Evenings and first thing in the morning are usually less busy. The phones are open from 5 AM - 10 PM Pacific time.

The phone number for eBay customer service is 1-866-540-3229.

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